Mystic, Spiritual Midwife and Visionary Leadership Guide Joni Advent Maher, MSW shares her emerging wisdom and deeply personal conversations with (r)evolutionary women about our feminine journey of awakening through embodying our sovereignty, changing our world and flourishing no matter what.

Thursday Aug 02, 2018
055 Present Moment Living with Tina Greene
Thursday Aug 02, 2018
Thursday Aug 02, 2018
Life Coach and Inspirational Speaker, Tina Greene has faced significant challenges in her life. Her lifelong spiritual connection and overwhelming optimism have enabled her to transform debilitating pain and challenge into wisdom, beauty and inspiration.
Tina shares her story and the powerful wisdom she discovered to help you connect with your heart, embracing your voice and recognize the value of your presence in your own life.
For more information on Tina's work go to http://tinagreenewisdom.com Tina is also an Intentional Creativity Teacher and Licensed Spiritual Practitioner.
Mystic, Spiritual Midwife and Transformational Guide, Joni Advent Maher, MSW shares deeply personal conversations with extraordinary women about personal and financial liberation. revolutionaryheart.com

Thursday Jul 19, 2018
054 The Value of Becoming Full of Yourself
Thursday Jul 19, 2018
Thursday Jul 19, 2018
Mystic, Spiritual Midwife and Transformational Guide, Joni Advent Maher, MSW shares deeply personal conversations with extraordinary women about personal and financial liberation. revolutionaryheart.com
As women, many of us have worked hard over the years not to get too full of ourselves. Seeing it as a flaw rather than the natural expression of our evolution. In this episode we explore the value and importance of becoming full of yourself as well as ways you can get started.

Thursday Jul 05, 2018
053 Fear Less: What to do when You're Hijacked by Fear
Thursday Jul 05, 2018
Thursday Jul 05, 2018
Listen in for empowering tools to move through fear more efficiently when it hijacks you. We look at the role of trauma in our fears.
Mystic, Spiritual Midwife and Transformational Guide, Joni Advent Maher, MSW shares deeply personal conversations with extraordinary women about personal and financial liberation. revolutionaryheart.com

Thursday Jun 21, 2018
052 Unleash the Brilliance of Your Voice with KC Baker
Thursday Jun 21, 2018
Thursday Jun 21, 2018
Our 2nd anniversary interview is with WomanSpeak founder, KC Baker.
KC shared her awakening journey from a pursuit of external validation on the prescribed path of success to purpose driven leader of an international movement supporting women in unleashing the brilliance of their voices. Together we explored the potent wisdom we hold in our bodies as women as well as the power of coming together to support and celebrate each other in freeing our voices.
We discussed the unique contribution of the Female brain and important practices KC uses to optimally Source her work, relationships, family and self.
An international women’s thought leadership & public speaking trainer, speechwriter, and two-time TEDx speaker KC is renowned for her unorthodox and highly effective methodologies. She believes that the key to positive transformation in our world lies in supporting women in unleashing the brilliance of their voices.
Mystic, Spiritual Midwife and Transformational Guide, Joni Advent Maher, MSW shares deeply personal conversations with extraordinary women about personal and financial liberation. revolutionaryheart.com

Thursday Jun 07, 2018
051 Empowered to Dream
Thursday Jun 07, 2018
Thursday Jun 07, 2018
In this 2nd anniversary episode we explore an important key to shift from dreaming of someday to embodying the power to creating your heart's desire.
To attend the free, live anniversary event go to: SovereignWiseandWealthy.com
Mystic, Spiritual Midwife and Transformational Guide, Joni Advent Maher, MSW shares deeply personal conversations with extraordinary women about personal and financial liberation. revolutionaryheart.com

Thursday May 17, 2018
050 The Field Beyond Right and Wrong
Thursday May 17, 2018
Thursday May 17, 2018
Mystic, Spiritual Midwife and Transformational Guide, Joni Advent Maher, MSW shares deeply personal conversations with extraordinary women about personal and financial liberation. revolutionaryheart.com
We're being called to move to the field beyond right and wrong and the Grace and fullness that dwell there. But daily human life can easily trigger the habit of polarity - right and wrong, good and bad. We'll explore the keys to move beyond this state.

Thursday May 03, 2018
049 Your Feminine Financial Intelligence with Julie Steelman
Thursday May 03, 2018
Thursday May 03, 2018
Feminine Financial Revolutionary and Wild Life Photographer, Julie Steelman shares her wisdom on financial empowerment for women.
Consider how we stand in our value. Julie called us to recognized the often overlooked value of our impact.
This extended interview includes powerful stories of her experiences with wild life.
Mystic, Spiritual Midwife and Transformational Guide, Joni Advent Maher, MSW shares deeply personal conversations with extraordinary women about personal and financial liberation. revolutionaryheart.com

Thursday Apr 19, 2018
048 The Shadow and it's Legacy
Thursday Apr 19, 2018
Thursday Apr 19, 2018
Mystic, Spiritual Midwife and Transformational Guide, Joni Advent Maher, MSW shares deeply personal conversations with extraordinary women about personal and financial liberation. revolutionaryheart.com
In our lives we each wade through the disowned shadow of our elders and we bring the new possibility of liberation.
In this episode we explore the potency of what's hidden in the Shadow and its ripple effects through our ancestral line. We'll discuss common aspects of our shadow as women and how to address it.

Thursday Apr 05, 2018
047 Live While You're Alive! with Marcy Brenner
Thursday Apr 05, 2018
Thursday Apr 05, 2018
Mystic, Spiritual Midwife and Transformational Guide, Joni Advent Maher, MSW shares deeply personal conversations with extraordinary women about personal and financial liberation. revolutionaryheart.com
"Am I living the life I want to live?" That's the question her advanced breast cancer diagnosis provoked in singer, songwriter Marcy Brenner.
She shares her personal story of healing and transformation, which enabled her to see "one of the worst things in her life as one of the best things." She also shared her powerful song, Dead Girl Walking.
Together we explored the role of tragedy, community and story in our lives.

Thursday Mar 22, 2018
046 The Gift of our Emotional Nature
Thursday Mar 22, 2018
Thursday Mar 22, 2018
Mystic, Spiritual Midwife and Transformational Guide, Joni Advent Maher, MSW shares deeply personal conversations with extraordinary women about personal and financial liberation.
Whether we're deeply emotional or not we all must learn to trust our emotional nature. This integral dimension of our humanity is often devalued and suppressed. In this episode we will explore the value and contribution of our emotional nature as well as the unique gifts of emotional sensitivity.