Mystic, Spiritual Midwife and Visionary Leadership Guide Joni Advent Maher, MSW shares her emerging wisdom and deeply personal conversations with (r)evolutionary women about our feminine journey of awakening through embodying our sovereignty, changing our world and flourishing no matter what.

Tuesday Nov 05, 2019
Nourishment for New Motherhood with Sasha Padron
Tuesday Nov 05, 2019
Tuesday Nov 05, 2019
How we enter this world matters deeply. The nature of our birth will leave its imprint on the rest of our lives. As will our transition into motherhood. Sasha Padron, seasoned doula and prenatal yoga educator and I dove into a feminine approach to childbirth and supporting new motherhood. This model for birthing new babies and mamas has important wisdom for us at any stage of our lives.
We discussed the needs of new mothers both during childbirth and postpartum. This episode provides you the opportunity to consider your own experience with birth. Whether it’s your own or your birth into motherhood.
Lastly, Sasha took us through a deeply nourishing grounding meditation.
For more information on the Nourishing New Motherhood, Awakening the Village Mentorship program or Sasha's work visit: https://www.centreforgrowingfamilies.ca/

Tuesday Oct 15, 2019
Feminine Mysticism & Devotion
Tuesday Oct 15, 2019
Tuesday Oct 15, 2019
To stay resilient in our complex modern times requires accessing unprecedented levels of support. Devotion is a spiritual superfood, practiced by the ancient mystics, we can use to nourish ourselves deeply.
A devotional practice powerfully blends openhearted passion, soul presence, and deep connection into a sacred medicine for our time. Listen for a taste of Devotion as the first of 3 episodes in the Feminine Mysticism Series.
For FREE access to 9 Days of Devotion visit https://revolutionaryheart.com/

Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
Transformational Goddess Wisdom with Helen Hodgson
Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
Helen Hodgson, creator of Transformational Goddess Retreats, provides a rich education in the transformative power of mentoring with Goddesses. As well as sharing her own transformative journey with Aphrodite to the path of self-love.
Our discussion brought us to the wisdom and work of Mirabai Starr, Layne Redmond, Jean Shinoda Bolen and Hildegard de Bingen as well as the Goddesses - Aphrodite, Kali, Sekhmet, Mary Magdalene.
Helen offers an in depth look at a powerful tool for transformation, empowerment and remembrance - the Frame Drum - the oldest archetypal instrument used by women.
Lastly, we explore the power and possibility of Menopause.
For more information and your Free Gift: https://transformationalgoddessretreats.com

Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
Sumptuous Living
Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
It is our spiritual birthright to prosper in ALL ways. And while that's true, 99% of us are not capable of receiving at such a magnitude. Guest co-host Semerit Strachan and I explore some ways to awaken our capacity to receive sumptuous support in our lives.
This powerful resource is now emerging on our behalf to amplify our capacity to create our lives and nourish our call to a new form of leadership.
For more information on Sumptuous Living, the program click here: https://sacredfeminineflow.com
We also discussed pain, pleasure and our full embodied presence and...
Ep 060 Prosperity, Power & Pleasure
For more wisdom from Semerit Strachan check out:
Ep 045 Liberation from the Mother's Daughter
Ep 012 The Power of Vulnerability

Tuesday Sep 03, 2019
The Healing Power of Sisterhood with Jessica Ricchetti
Tuesday Sep 03, 2019
Tuesday Sep 03, 2019
Priestess, Mystic and Energy Alchemist, Jessica Ricchetti and Joni explore the healing power of sisterhood and what it means to walk the Priestess Path.
This episode is a full Being immersion in the healing essence of sisterhood. It will open your heart, remind you who you truly are and provide you with powerful practices to live from the Divine in your daily life.
Jessica's Soul-work is rooted in supporting womxn on a journey of Embodying Wholeness, rising in Divine Leadership, and sharing their own unique magic with the world. For more information go to https://jessicaricchetti.com/

Tuesday Aug 20, 2019
An Inside Look at Envy
Tuesday Aug 20, 2019
Tuesday Aug 20, 2019
One of our biggest obstacles to both true sisterhood and our own success is envy or jealousy. It's been a part of our relationships with other women since we were girls. It's been passed down as part of our legacy as women and it absolutely keeps us from our true sovereignty.
Throughout the ages, we've denied it, disowned it, masked it, cast it into the shadow - and maybe even fostered it.
Let's take a beyond the veil look at Envy and Jealousy and explore how it can bring you home to your personal power and heart and soul fulfillment. I'm getting vulnerable and sharing a personal story of my own walk with Envy.
We'll also look at worthiness and how we can rise together in sisterhood.

Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
Sacred Success with Barbara Huson
Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
If you've ever struggled with money, playing it small or disowning your power you'll want to listen to my interview with Barbara Huson, six times bestselling author, financial therapist, teacher & wealth coach.
As the leading expert on women, wealth and power and a pioneer of women’s financial empowerment, Barbara has faced and overcome many of the key challenges we meet as women to create not only financial stability and wealth but empowerment for ourselves. While it wasn't always easy her willingness to lean into the challenges and grow through the pain have opened a legacy for millions of women.
Barbara generously shares her journey, her challenges and her groundbreaking wisdom on money, success, abundance, and power for us as women. This episode includes practical tools you can begin to use today.
Also mentioned: A Course in Miracles; Michael Beckwith

Thursday Jul 18, 2019
Our Moon Cycle and Creative Power
Thursday Jul 18, 2019
Thursday Jul 18, 2019
As I share my final passage with my Moon cycle I extend you an invitation to shed any internal or external misogyny you’ve experienced at any stage of your own Moon time journey including: first periods, PMS, bleeding, peri and menopause.
Let’s call out the old stories, cultural messages, rejection, shame and powerlessness and find the heart of our creative power in our cycle.

Thursday Jul 04, 2019
Claiming Our Feminine Essence with Shae Lamond
Thursday Jul 04, 2019
Thursday Jul 04, 2019
From the heart of Bali, Dancer, Artist and Yoga Teacher, Shae Lamond shares her personal transformation through loss and letting go to the freedom and joy of claiming her feminine essence. Our conversation is an expansive, inspiring dive into surrender, healing, creativity, love, forgiveness, ecstasy, and deep feminine flow.
Listen for a special invitation to gather with kindred sisters at a Claiming Feminine Retreat in Bali this Fall.
For more details on Shae go to https://www.claimingfeminine.com/

Thursday Jun 20, 2019
Own It, Honor It & Bring It
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
How often do we as women disown essential parts of ourselves because they are threatening or unpopular? How often do we get caught up in self-criticism or even self-loathing for not fitting into to some prescribed version of who we're meant to be? What if the best thing we can do for ourselves, those around us and our collective humanity is to unapologetically be the truest version of ourselves? I share my recent journey with this and the a-ha's which came along the way.
Also mentioned: the Birth Your Wisdom & Prosper Chrysalis Community & Mentorship Program. For more details use the link: http://bit.ly/2IJnB6N